What a season. As a matter of fact…..what a year! The mighty CAVS 12U team has successfully maintained a 99% championship record for the 2010-2011 season….and now this. In the very last tournament of the season, CAVS 12U brought home their 13th consecutive championship win since April 2nd at the Bigfoot Hoops Las Vegas Classics, July 27th-31st.
Oh yeah!! This season is going out with a BANG….
….and so is this post…so read up. It’s chocked full of news and the very latest concerning the CAVS. Before we begin, I’d like to give a HUGE SHOUT OUT to Bigfoot Hoops for giving every paying spectator the opportunity to buy a discounted weekend admission pass, rather than rake us over the coals with a king’s ransom per day. YOU know what time it is and we love you for it. With that said….
Here we go.
Before we get into any game play, though, let’s break something down, first. Rumors are floating and flying. Parents are TRIPPIN’. Teams are taunting and coaches are cringing.
Still doesn’t change the fact that it’s goin’ down.
Fact is…things are going down that are beneficial; things set up so clear that it’s almost like 3D. Those who fail to put on the proper glasses to see it will be left with blurry vision. YES. The CAVS Youth Basketball Program has expanded. There is now a CAVS Las Vegas, in addition to the Southern California CAVS. YES. CAVS Youth Basketball has merged with prior members of the Las Vegas Rebels/West Coast Select Team. NO. Members did not merge in order to try to win the Las Vegas Classics. You’re kidding, right? Dude….seriously? Take that claim back to the farm. THIS new merger/expansion is permanent and is JUST the kind of frosting we needed for our cake. More news will be released soon. Don’t get your undergarments in a bunch! Details will be disclosed at a later date, as I will do a special article on it all. Lots of GOOD things going on with/for the CAVS and we will not allow you to miss any of it.
Back to the meat and potatoes……
There was no game on Wednesday. On Thursday morning, CAVS 12U were face-to-face with the LA Runners at the Tarkanian Basketball Academy, 9:05am.
Early games = Early wake-ups. Yep. However, this time I don’t think anybody cared. We just wanted to get things started. The LA Runners were quite interesting.
There were a few kids of normal-to-tall height—with the rest somewhat on the small side---but they were QUICK as the dickens. However, CAVS 12U set it all off with an opening victory, 65-15.
On Thursday night, at 6:50pm, CAVS 12U played the Salvation Army Hype and won, 68-15.
On Friday, at 5:45 pm (at least we didn’t have to get up early) it just wasn’t even fair. We're talking about CAVS 12U vs. the Colorado Warriors.
CAVS 12U blew through the Colorado Warriors like tornadoes of destruction, scoring a whopping 81-13, easily sliding on to the Semi-Final rounds.
Saturday, at 5:45 pm (kudos to the scheduler for allowing us to sleep in-- for REAL) CAVS 12U again squared off with the LA Runners for the Semi-Final game and won, 59-18.
This win earned CAVS 12U an unshakable spot in Sunday’s championship game…..
….with none other than Las Vegas Elite.
Life is ironic, isn’t it?
We heard through the grapevine that Los Angeles-based team ABA defeated Vegas Elite early on in the game rounds, but in a toe-to-toe semi-final battle Saturday night, Vegas Elite redeemed themselves and defeated ABA. Therefore, at 11:15am on Sunday, it was about as ironic as it could get with CAVS 12U ONCE AGAIN face-to-face with Las Vegas Elite to compete for yet another championship.
Surprisingly our good buddy—the Las Vegas Elite coach—did not—I repeat---did NOT--get a technical foul this time. OMG! I know, right? I called Ripley’s and THEY didn’t believe it. Instead, the tech fell on our former teammate Billy Preston, Jr. Okay, wait---forget all that. I need to tell you that this game was one for the BOOKS. Why? CAVS 12U started the championship game off 18-0!! Yes…you read that right. 18-0. Zilch. Nada. ZERO!!! I was flabbergasted. Everyone had just about written us off.
More ironic, still, this is exactly the way CAVS 12U started off in the Jam On It Reno Tourney—at that time against West Coast Select! Yet, you remember the end result of that tourney, don’t you? You gotta love the way things have come full circle. So…Vegas Elite parents were whooping and hollering and chanting “Game over!” and offering other select phrases and expletives, confident that the game was in the bag for Las Vegas Elite.
Oh, but CAVS 12U had other plans.
In less than the amount of time it takes to fully load a commercial washing machine, CAVS 12U turned that zero into a three-point lead.
The tables had most definitely turned. CAVS 12U scored the victory, 47-36, and were crowned the champions of the last 2010-2011 tourney to end the season!! Coming from an 18-point deficiency all the way to the top? Oh yeah!!! WAY TO WORK, CAVS!!
(From L to R: Jack Pender - Chasen Pender's lil bro, Elijah Walker (injured this time/didn't play), Coach Joe Pender, 7U's Jace McDonald, Mike Irving, Jr., Coach Mike Irving, Taj Regans, Pearson Parker, Lil' Taius - not sure on how to spell that - Brian "B-Devv" Devereaux, Cameron "Big Cam" Townsend, Colden "Ice-Cream" Davis, Coach Sean Regans, DJ McDonald, Troy Brown, Chasen Pender, Darion Acohido, Coach Darryl McDonald and Luke Bradford)
We are proud of our CAVS 12U boys who work hard, play hard, but study harder. GREAT 2010-2011 SEASON, CAVS!!! We look forward to the new, upcoming season with lots of new changes to come.
CAVS 2012…u ready?
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